One last post squeezed in before I head out to play games and drink with friends. Hopefully you’ve got some wonderful plans for closing out the year as well. But first…
Let’s talk about what we got done this year.
My big goal for this year, like it has been for two or three years now, was to get two novels done. It’s a goal I keep stretching for and always fall short. I’m not sure if I can reach it or not, but I keep trying.
How’d I do?

You’ll get to see if that was all worth it in just five weeks…
When The Fold came out in June I did a bunch of promo stuff for it, including interviews and a half dozen or so original articles for a few different sites.
For the past few months I’ve been working on my new project which is, as yet, untitled. I’ve mentioned it here a few times, and I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about it next year. I’m about 2/3 in at this point, and if all goes well I’m hoping my beta readers will be seeing it in late February or so.
I also polished up a short-short story for the Naughty or Nice holiday anthology. It was an idea I’d had a while back and getting invited to the anthology was just the kick in the pants I needed to make it worthwhile. Plus, it’s for charity, so you score actual karma points when you buy a copy.
Counting this one, I’ve done 42 posts for the ranty blog here, plus another 34 for the geeky hobby-based blog I keep up elsewhere.
That’s what I wrote this year.
What did you get done?
To be honest… I’m a little upset with myself. I was really ashamed of that first Ex-Isle draft my editor saw. I’d also really hoped to have the new project out to beta readers by now, so I’m a solid two months behind where I’d planned to be. I would’ve felt justified, at that point, in saying I had two novels finished.
Yeah, maybe this sounds a little shallow to some of you. I mean, I get to make my own schedule, write for a living, and here I am complaining about how much more I wanted to do. Sounds pretty damned good as is, doesn’t it?
Thing is, as we’ve discussed here many times before, good enough is never enough. Good enough will never get a career going, and it won’t keep one going. We have to be willing to push ourselves to be better, and to keep pushing ourselves. We all need to set new, higher goals.
One could even call them resolutions, if they were so inclined.
With that in mind… what do you want to do next year?
I hope you all have a peaceful and safe New Year. Don’t drink and drive, be good to people, and kiss someone you love at midnight.
We’ll talk again in 2016.
Until then… go party responsibly.
And then come home and write.
0 replies on “Last Year’s Resolution”
I found your Ex books through Audible, and the excellent multiple cast reading. Do you know what the status of an audio book version of Ex-Isle is? I don't see a preorder on
I'm not lazy, I like having the audio books so I can paint and sculpt minis while also enjoying a book at the same time. And exercise, and do errands, but mostly miniatures.
Pre-order should be up now! 🙂
And I know all about working on minis to audiobooks. Have you seen my other blog…?
I also found your work through Audible. I read a lot but have found audio books help me keep the rage in check during my long commutes every day to and from work. I've poured through all you books there, just finishing up 14 this week. Imagine my surprise in realizing it's connected to The Fold which I heard first!!
But Ex-Heroes is my complete and total jam. I was under the impression they were done and had sadly moved on when all of a sudden BAM the pre-order for Ex-Isles shows up on Audible. I was ecstatic and am now counting the days off till the 23rd.
Thanks for all your great work!