- 14
- 456
- 50% rule
- A2Q
- abbreviations
- abnett
- accents
- action
- active
- adaptations
- adjectives
- adverbs
- advice
- agency
- agents
- Alcatraz
- alibis
- Aliens
- Allen
- Amazon
- Anders
- antagonists
- Anthony
- arc
- art
- Asimov
- Atwood
- auteur
- B-movies
- Back to the Future
- backstory
- Barker
- basics
- Batman
- bear suit
- beats
- beginning
- Bendis
- beta
- Bierce
- Bird
- black
- Blackmoore
- Bloch
- block
- Bond
- books
- Bova
- bradbury
- Brannan
- Brennan
- Bricken
- Brockway
- Brody
- Broken Room
- Bronte
- Brooks
- Brown
- Bunn
- Burke
- burnout
- Burroughs
- Byrne
- Caidin
- Cameron
- Campbell
- capitals
- Carr
- Carter
- Casablanca
- Castle
- cat
- challenge
- chapter
- chapters
- character
- Charish
- Chaucer
- cheap shot
- cheat
- Chekhov
- child
- chosen one
- Christian
- Christmas
- Chronicle
- Chu
- Chuck
- Clancy
- Claremont
- Clarke
- Clemens
- cliffhangers
- Coates
- cody
- Coffeehouse
- coincidence
- color
- comedy
- Comic Con
- comics
- concepts
- conflict
- conjunctions
- contests
- context
- continuity
- contracts
- contrast
- convention
- conventions
- cooking
- corman
- Craven
- Creatureverse
- Crichton
- criticism
- CS
- Currie
- cussler
- cuts
- Dahl
- Darabont
- dated
- David
- Davies
- DC
- Dead Men
- Dead Moon
- death
- Defoe
- description
- details
- dialogue
- dickens
- diLouie
- disbelief
- doctor
- Doyle
- Dracula
- drafts
- drama
- dramatic structure
- dream
- Drew
- Dumas
- dunwoody
- editing
- editors
- Elliot
- Elliott
- empathy
- ending
- Ephron
- epistolary
- Eszterhas
- Ex-Communication
- Ex-Heroes
- Ex-Isle
- Ex-Patriots
- Ex-Purgatory
- Ex-Tension
- exceptions
- expectations
- Expendables
- experience
- exposition
- facts
- family
- Famke
- fantasy
- Faville
- fear
- feedback
- fiction
- Finch
- finish
- first
- flags
- flashbacks
- Flashdance
- flaws
- flow
- focus
- format
- frames
- framing
- Frank
- Frankenstein
- Frey
- friends
- Gabaldon
- gaiman
- Game of Thrones
- Gauld
- genre
- Gerrold
- GI Joe
- Gilroy
- goals
- God
- Godzilla
- golden rule
- goldman
- Gordon
- Gould
- goyer
- grammar
- graves
- grimm
- Gunn
- guru
- Haggis
- Hale
- Hamlet
- Hancock
- Harmsworth
- Harris
- harry potter
- Hartwell
- Harwood
- Hawthorne
- Hayes
- Heaton
- Heisserer
- heist
- Hemingway
- hero
- Herz
- Hill
- Hitchcock
- Hoeber
- holidays
- hollywood
- Holmes
- honest
- Hornsby
- Horror
- Houdini
- House
- Howard
- Hughes
- Hunger Games
- Hypotheticon
- ideas
- Idiot
- Ignorant Stranger
- imposter
- in-jokes
- information
- insanity
- interview
- introductions
- investment
- invisible
- Ireland
- It
- jargon
- Jemisin
- Johnson
- jokes
- Jolly
- Jones
- Junkie Quatrain
- Kadrey
- Kasdan
- Kaufmann
- Key
- keyes
- king
- king kong
- Kleinbaum
- Knapp
- Knight
- koepp
- Koontz
- Krampus
- Krueger
- Kuhn
- Kurtzman
- L'Engle
- lantern
- latin
- LaValle
- Le Guin
- Lecter
- Lee
- length
- Leonard
- lies
- limited concept
- linear structure
- Litvak
- Lizard Men
- lobrutto
- logic
- Long
- love
- lovecraft
- Lucas
- Lumley
- M'Dhoria
- Maberry
- macfee
- MacGuffin
- Maggs
- magic
- Mantlo
- marketing
- Martinez
- marvel
- Matheson
- Matrix
- McCammon
- McCarthy
- McGuire
- McKee
- Meigs
- message
- metaphor
- Meyer
- Milla
- mistakes
- Mockingbird
- money
- monsters
- Monty Python
- Moon
- moore
- mosquito
- motives
- Mouth
- Muir
- muse
- mystery
- names
- NaNoWriMo
- narrative
- narrative structure
- negative space
- networking
- Neuvel
- newsletter
- Nicholl
- ninjas
- nolan
- numbers
- obstacle
- obvious
- Olson
- OMeara
- omen
- opening
- opinions
- Oprah
- Orci
- Original Soldiers
- originality
- other stuff
- outline
- outlines
- Oxford comma
- pacing
- paint
- Paradox Bound
- paragraphs
- parrot
- passive
- patting the dog
- Payne
- payoff
- pet peeve
- photo tip
- picasso
- pirates
- pitch
- Pixar
- plot
- plot points
- poetry
- point of view
- Pratchett
- Predator
- premise
- prequel
- preston
- Price
- priest
- Princess Bride
- problem
- process
- procrastination
- prologue
- pronouns
- protagonist
- Psycho
- publishing
- punctuation
- Quesada
- quit
- Raiders
- Rand
- read
- reading
- real
- Reality Check
- redemption
- references
- Reiko
- rejection
- relations
- relevance
- Relic
- repetition
- research
- resolution
- returns
- reveal
- revenge
- reviews
- revisions
- Richmond
- Riddick
- rights
- Robinson Crusoe
- Robocop
- robots
- Rom
- Rossio
- Roux
- Rowling
- Rubin
- Rule of Three
- rules
- said
- Saintcrow
- sales
- Santa
- Scalzi
- schedule
- Schwab
- sci-fi
- Scooby
- screenwriting
- Se7en
- Self
- sequels
- series
- set pieces
- setting
- setup
- sex
- shakespeare
- Shelly
- shock
- Shogun
- Shooter
- short stories
- shortcuts
- Shyamalan
- Sigler
- signing
- simile
- simmons
- Simpson
- size
- sketch
- smart
- smith
- Snell
- Snider
- snowflake
- Snyder
- social media
- software
- Soule
- spam
- spelling
- Spider-Man
- spoilers
- stakes
- Stallone
- Stand
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- start
- Steinbeck
- Stenson
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stoker
- story
- structure
- submissions
- subplot
- subtext
- Suffering Map
- superheroes
- Superman
- supporting
- suspense
- syd field
- Sykes
- tarrantino
- tension
- Terminus
- the end
- The Fold
- theme
- Theroux
- three act
- Threshold
- thriller
- thrillers
- time
- Timestamp
- tips
- titanic
- Tolkien
- Tolstoy
- tone
- tools
- towne
- transitions
- transplants
- traps
- triangles
- trilogy
- Trinity
- truss
- try
- Twain
- twist
- typos
- Uncategorized
- vamp
- vampire
- VanEekhout
- Vanishing Son
- vendor
- villain
- vocabulary
- voice
- Walker
- Watchmen
- Watson
- Watterson
- weapons
- websters
- wedding
- Weir
- Welcome to Night Vale
- Wells
- Wendig
- werewolf
- Werewolf Detective
- West
- Wexler
- Whedon
- White
- Whitta
- Who
- Wilder
- Wilson
- win
- Witch Mountain
- Wojtowicz
- Wolf Man
- Wolfe
- wordcount
- worldbuilding
- writing
- X-Files
- zombies
0 replies on “Tom Gauld”
Hi! I asked the social media question a while back.
I have a professional editor working on my manuscript right now and I'm trying to keep my creative energy up while I wait for feedback.
During this time I've created some drawings, maps, and renderings of things from the story. Do you think these supplemental materials add value when trying to find an agent?
I thought about creating a spoiler filled companion blog to hold this stuff, but my test readers told me the full color maps were important to understanding the story. What do you think the best way is to get this sort of bonus content out there?
I also made a playlist of what I used to keep the headspace for certain characters, which I thought about putting on Spotify. Is that too indulgent?
If you keep threatening me with a clown post I'll keep throwing out questions, clowns are scary!