June 1, 2017
Tom Gauld
- 14
- 456
- 50% rule
- A2Q
- abbreviations
- abnett
- accents
- action
- active
- adaptations
- adjectives
- adverbs
- advice
- agency
- agents
- Alcatraz
- alibis
- Aliens
- Allen
- Amazon
- Anders
- antagonists
- Anthony
- arc
- art
- Asimov
- Atwood
- auteur
- B-movies
- Back to the Future
- backstory
- Barker
- basics
- Batman
- bear suit
- beats
- beginning
- Bendis
- beta
- Bierce
- Bird
- black
- Blackmoore
- Bloch
- block
- Bond
- books
- Bova
- bradbury
- Brannan
- Brennan
- Bricken
- Brockway
- Brody
- Broken Room
- Bronte
- Brooks
- Brown
- Bunn
- Burke
- burnout
- Burroughs
- Byrne
- Caidin
- Cameron
- Campbell
- capitals
- Carr
- Carter
- Casablanca
- Castle
- cat
- challenge
- chapter
- chapters
- character
- Charish
- Chaucer
- cheap shot
- cheat
- Chekhov
- child
- chosen one
- Christian
- Christmas
- Chronicle
- Chu
- Chuck
- Clancy
- Claremont
- Clarke
- Clemens
- cliffhangers
- Coates
- cody
- Coffeehouse
- coincidence
- color
- comedy
- Comic Con
- comics
- concepts
- conflict
- conjunctions
- contests
- context
- continuity
- contracts
- contrast
- convention
- conventions
- cooking
- corman
- Craven
- Creatureverse
- Crichton
- criticism
- CS
- Currie
- cussler
- cuts
- Dahl
- Darabont
- dated
- David
- Davies
- DC
- Dead Men
- Dead Moon
- death
- Defoe
- description
- details
- dialogue
- dickens
- diLouie
- disbelief
- doctor
- Doyle
- Dracula
- drafts
- drama
- dramatic structure
- dream
- Drew
- Dumas
- dunwoody
- editing
- editors
- Elliot
- Elliott
- empathy
- ending
- Ephron
- epistolary
- Eszterhas
- Ex-Communication
- Ex-Heroes
- Ex-Isle
- Ex-Patriots
- Ex-Purgatory
- Ex-Tension
- exceptions
- expectations
- Expendables
- experience
- exposition
- facts
- family
- Famke
- fantasy
- Faville
- fear
- feedback
- fiction
- Finch
- finish
- first
- flags
- flashbacks
- Flashdance
- flaws
- flow
- focus
- format
- frames
- framing
- Frank
- Frankenstein
- Frey
- friends
- Gabaldon
- gaiman
- Game of Thrones
- Gauld
- genre
- Gerrold
- GI Joe
- Gilroy
- goals
- God
- Godzilla
- golden rule
- goldman
- Gordon
- Gould
- goyer
- grammar
- graves
- grimm
- Gunn
- guru
- Haggis
- Hale
- Hamlet
- Hancock
- Harmsworth
- Harris
- harry potter
- Hartwell
- Harwood
- Hawthorne
- Hayes
- Heaton
- Heisserer
- heist
- Hemingway
- hero
- Herz
- Hill
- Hitchcock
- Hoeber
- holidays
- hollywood
- Holmes
- honest
- Hornsby
- Horror
- Houdini
- House
- Howard
- Hughes
- Hunger Games
- Hypotheticon
- ideas
- Idiot
- Ignorant Stranger
- imposter
- in-jokes
- information
- insanity
- interview
- introductions
- investment
- invisible
- Ireland
- It
- jargon
- Jemisin
- Johnson
- jokes
- Jolly
- Jones
- Junkie Quatrain
- Kadrey
- Kasdan
- Kaufmann
- Key
- keyes
- king
- king kong
- Kleinbaum
- Knapp
- Knight
- koepp
- Koontz
- Krampus
- Krueger
- Kuhn
- Kurtzman
- L'Engle
- lantern
- latin
- LaValle
- Le Guin
- Lecter
- Lee
- length
- Leonard
- lies
- limited concept
- linear structure
- Litvak
- Lizard Men
- lobrutto
- logic
- Long
- love
- lovecraft
- Lucas
- Lumley
- M'Dhoria
- Maberry
- macfee
- MacGuffin
- Maggs
- magic
- Mantlo
- marketing
- Martinez
- marvel
- Matheson
- Matrix
- McCammon
- McCarthy
- McGuire
- McKee
- Meigs
- message
- metaphor
- Meyer
- Milla
- mistakes
- Mockingbird
- money
- monsters
- Monty Python
- Moon
- moore
- mosquito
- motives
- Mouth
- Muir
- muse
- mystery
- names
- NaNoWriMo
- narrative
- narrative structure
- negative space
- networking
- Neuvel
- newsletter
- Nicholl
- ninjas
- nolan
- numbers
- obstacle
- obvious
- Olson
- OMeara
- omen
- opening
- opinions
- Oprah
- Orci
- Original Soldiers
- originality
- other stuff
- outline
- outlines
- Oxford comma
- pacing
- paint
- Paradox Bound
- paragraphs
- parrot
- passive
- patting the dog
- Payne
- payoff
- pet peeve
- photo tip
- picasso
- pirates
- pitch
- Pixar
- plot
- plot points
- poetry
- point of view
- Pratchett
- Predator
- premise
- prequel
- preston
- Price
- priest
- Princess Bride
- problem
- process
- procrastination
- prologue
- pronouns
- protagonist
- Psycho
- publishing
- punctuation
- Quesada
- quit
- Raiders
- Rand
- read
- reading
- real
- Reality Check
- redemption
- references
- Reiko
- rejection
- relations
- relevance
- Relic
- repetition
- research
- resolution
- returns
- reveal
- revenge
- reviews
- revisions
- Richmond
- Riddick
- rights
- Robinson Crusoe
- Robocop
- robots
- Rom
- Rossio
- Roux
- Rowling
- Rubin
- Rule of Three
- rules
- said
- Saintcrow
- sales
- Santa
- Scalzi
- schedule
- Schwab
- sci-fi
- Scooby
- screenwriting
- Se7en
- Self
- sequels
- series
- set pieces
- setting
- setup
- sex
- shakespeare
- Shelly
- shock
- Shogun
- Shooter
- short stories
- shortcuts
- Shyamalan
- Sigler
- signing
- simile
- simmons
- Simpson
- size
- sketch
- smart
- smith
- Snell
- Snider
- snowflake
- Snyder
- social media
- software
- Soule
- spam
- spelling
- Spider-Man
- spoilers
- stakes
- Stallone
- Stand
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- start
- Steinbeck
- Stenson
- Stern
- Stevenson
- Stoker
- story
- structure
- submissions
- subplot
- subtext
- Suffering Map
- superheroes
- Superman
- supporting
- suspense
- syd field
- Sykes
- tarrantino
- tension
- Terminus
- the end
- The Fold
- theme
- Theroux
- three act
- Threshold
- thriller
- thrillers
- time
- Timestamp
- tips
- titanic
- Tolkien
- Tolstoy
- tone
- tools
- towne
- transitions
- transplants
- traps
- triangles
- trilogy
- Trinity
- truss
- try
- Twain
- twist
- typos
- Uncategorized
- vamp
- vampire
- VanEekhout
- Vanishing Son
- vendor
- villain
- vocabulary
- voice
- Walker
- Watchmen
- Watson
- Watterson
- weapons
- websters
- wedding
- Weir
- Welcome to Night Vale
- Wells
- Wendig
- werewolf
- Werewolf Detective
- West
- Wexler
- Whedon
- White
- Whitta
- Who
- Wilder
- Wilson
- win
- Witch Mountain
- Wojtowicz
- Wolf Man
- Wolfe
- wordcount
- worldbuilding
- writing
- X-Files
- zombies